Reference fat loss exercises

Surely you’ve heard that exercise helps us lose weight? So which full-body weight loss exercises or slimming exercises should be applied at home to achieve high effectiveness? All of the above questions will be answered in the following article by TenjaSuta. We invite you to follow along!

Does exercise help us lose weight?

The answer is yes. Health experts say that to successfully lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie (energy) intake and increase physical activity to burn calories effectively. When exercising like this, the body will burn a lot of calories, thereby successfully losing weight.

However, whether your body burns more or less calories depends on your level of activity and how you choose appropriate weight loss and slimming exercises. According to calculations, to be able to lose 0.5 – 0.7kg per week, you need to exercise more than 60 minutes and reduce your body intake by 500 – 750 calories per day.

Exercise has many health benefits, not just when it comes to weight management. Therefore, exercise every day to have a toned, healthy body even if you have no plan to lose weight.

Effective weight loss and slimming exercises at home

If you want to lose weight quickly and safely for your health, perform the full-body weight loss exercises below. Note, depending on your needs and health condition, you can apply exercises reasonably and flexibly to achieve your goals.


If you swim at normal intensity, you can only lose 423 calories/hour. However, if you swim at a high intensity, you will probably lose 892 calories/hour. Swimming not only helps lose weight throughout the body but also helps tone the body.

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Yoga exercises seem gentle and somewhat static, helping to relax the mind more than losing weight. But in fact, if you practice yoga properly and regularly, it will have a very good weight loss effect. Some yoga poses that help you lose weight effectively include: warrior pose, bent-over pose, bow pose,…


If yoga is static exercises that help lose weight effectively, aerobics are the complete opposite. These are exciting exercises, suitable for people who like to be active. Doing aerobics regularly for 1 month, you will see the effect of reducing body fat, toning muscles, increasing endurance and reducing stress.

Some current aerobic exercises that help lose weight quickly include: Burpees, Stair Training, Donkey Kicks, etc. Aerobic is also considered a form of cardio exercise. It not only helps burn fat in the body, especially belly fat, helping to control weight but also improves health, limiting the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Plank exercises

With this exercise you can practice any time of the day and anywhere. Plank, if practiced correctly and enough, not only helps reduce fat, improve overall body strength, but also effectively tones the abdominal muscles. The note about the Plank exercise is that throughout the exercise you must maintain a very stable posture and not lower your body to the ground.


If you both want to lose weight and build strong muscle mass, weight training can be considered a perfect choice for you. However, you should seek advice from trainers for appropriate intensity and exercises.


Cycling in the morning or late afternoon also brings many health benefits such as making bones strong, flexible and good for the cardiovascular system, including weight loss and maintaining a stable weight. If you don’t have time to cycle outdoors, or there are weather conditions, traffic jams… you can cycle indoors (with an exercise machine) to achieve the same effect.

Walk and jog

Sports coaches recommend that a person should spend at least 20 – 30 minutes every day walking at a fast speed or jogging to help the body consume a significant amount of energy. Jogging or walking in the morning in the park not only helps you lose weight but also improves your physical and mental health. Sprinting helps lose weight and fat effectively for both men and women.

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Jump rope

Jumping rope for 30 minutes has been proven to help the body burn about 450 calories, and jumping rope for 1 hour will burn 1,074 calories. This exercise has the effect of quickly reducing body fat, firming arm muscles, leg muscles, abdominal muscles…


Doing push-ups properly every morning not only helps you lose fat and weight, but also helps you firm your muscles and enlarge your chest.

Squat practice

This is not only a key exercise to help lose weight effectively, especially in the buttocks and legs, but also has the effect of firming and eliminating excess fat in these areas. Besides, Squat also improves the body’s flexibility and balance. Regularly practicing Squats will help keep bones and joints strong and flexible. No need for any other fitness equipment, you can still easily practice Squats at home.

Changing your lifestyle, exercising to lose weight at home, adjusting your diet and combining it with the use of Burn Max can help you promote the fat burning process in your body and effectively improve your figure. Not only that, exercise also brings many mental and physical benefits, helping to improve health and quality of life. Hopefully the article TenjaSuta shared above has provided you with useful information about exercises and sports that help you lose weight and burn body fat effectively.

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