How harmful is excess fat to the body?

Many studies have proven that excess fat can contribute to health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many other diseases. Let’s learn with TenjaSuta about the effects of excess fat on the body and protect your health now!

What is called excess fat?

Excess fat, also known as obesity, is a condition in which excessive fat accumulates in one area of the body or the whole body, negatively affecting health.

Adipose tissue is a type of cell tissue that makes up the human body. Normally, adipose tissue will not cause harm, but when too much is stored, excess fat will be harmful to the body. In men, a fat percentage of 15-20%, in women, 25-30% is considered normal. However, when the body fat percentage is higher than this index, it means you are obese. Normally, obesity will come in two forms:

  • Obesity due to fat cell hypertrophy: Obesity due to fat cell hypertrophy is dangerous and common in adults. The reason fat cells become enlarged is due to stimulating intracellular factors and hormones in the body.
  • Obesity with fat cell proliferation: This form of obesity is common in teenagers and is less dangerous because it has the ability to disappear.

Indicators that have value in diagnosing excess fat are often used as BMI (a BMI between 20-25 is normal, but when it is over 30, you are obese) or measuring the thickness of the fat layer under the skin at 4 locations (waist area, under the shoulder, triceps brachii, biceps brachii),…

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Causes of excess fat in the abdominal area

In the abdominal area, if a woman’s waist size is greater than 88.9 cm, it is considered excess belly fat, and for men, the waist size is about 101.6 cm or more, which means excess fat in the abdominal area is accumulating a lot. Some of the causes of excess fat in the abdominal area are:

  • Lack of exercise: Lack of exercise causes a lot of excess fat to accumulate in the abdominal area, often found in office environments due to the habit of sitting a lot, causing energy and fat to not be released but accumulated as belly fat.
  • Unhealthy living habits: Unhealthy living habits such as staying up all night, eating late at night, drinking a lot of carbonated drinks, alcohol… will cause excess fat to accumulate in the abdominal area.
  • Improper diet: When you eat too much fried and fatty foods and eat little fiber like vegetables and fruits or drink little water, it will cause excess fat.
  • Hormonal changes: Female hormones often change when they reach puberty, pregnancy, premenopause or menopause, and using birth control pills will cause excess fat to accumulate in the abdomen and in the muscles.

The harmful effects of excess fat on health

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Excess fat puts pressure on the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fat buildup around blood vessels can cause blockages and reduce blood flow to the heart. This can lead to problems such as myocardial infarction, chest pain and even heart attack.

Diabetic potential

Excess fat can imbalance sugar metabolism in the body, causing insulin resistance and increasing the risk of diabetes. Excess fat can also reduce the body’s sensitivity to insulin, leading to hyperglycemia and potentially serious diabetes complications.

Pressure on joints and bones

Excess fat puts pressure on joints and bones, especially on the knee joints. This can cause bone and joint problems, including arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition, excess weight can also increase the risk of bone fractures and weaken bone structure.

Risk of high blood pressure

Excess fat can contribute to high blood pressure, especially when fat accumulates around blood vessels. High blood pressure can cause health problems such as stroke, heart failure and many other serious diseases.

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How to reduce the harmful effects of excess fat?

To limit the harmful effects that excess fat causes, you must have a method to help reduce excess fat in your body. Here are some methods to reduce excess belly fat:

  • Change your diet: Nutrition is the factor that causes excess belly fat to increase and can also help you reduce excess fat. Limiting the intake of fast foods, greasy foods, carbonated soft drinks or foods high in sugar is necessary for people who are obese and have a lot of excess fat. Instead, you should add a variety of fruits, vegetables, etc. to your daily menu. Drink enough water every day.
  • Exercise sensibly: Do high-intensity exercises such as jogging or cycling to reduce belly fat.
  • Proper rest: In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, obese people should get enough sleep and reduce stress to reduce excess fat in the abdominal area.
  • Abdominal liposuction: In addition, in some cases, obesity greatly affects your health or you do not have the ability to exercise to reduce fat, you can use liposuction using advanced technology without scars, reduces swelling, minimizes damage to blood vessels and nerves in the body…

In addition to reducing belly fat, you can reduce fat in the arms, chest, hips and thighs with the following methods:

  • Practice exercises to reduce body fat: When you have excess fat in the chest and arm areas, you need to practice exercises to reduce body fat. Commonly used exercises are planks, weightlifting, and push-ups. While losing fat, you should drink lots of water and eat healthy foods that contain lots of fiber.
  • The fat in the thighs and hips is considered subcutaneous fat. Fat accumulation in this area is often due to eating a lot of unhealthy foods. Therefore, to reduce fat in the hip and thigh areas, you need to have a healthy diet, eat lots of fresh foods, reduce eating canned foods, high in sugar, and combine exercises like Squats,planks and push-up.

Hopefully the article that TenjaSuta shared above has provided you with more information about the harmful effects of excess fat on your health and methods to help you reduce excess fat effectively. At the same time, understanding your health concerns, Burn Max with natural ingredients from black ginger, long pepper and B vitamins will help promote the activity of the digestive system, thereby helping the digestive system function. move more effectively. Losing your fat just got easier.

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