Have you ever wondered: “How can I eat comfortably but still have a beautiful figure and slim waist?”. Let’s join TenjaSuta to learn 10 ways to eat effectively to help you lose belly fat in the article below!
Don’t eat too fast
Do you know that people who eat too fast tend to be overweight, obese, and have a higher amount of fat accumulated in the abdomen than other people?
Eating slowly helps us better control the amount of food we eat. From there, avoid the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal area. Don’t eat too fast, chew slowly, this is an effective method used by many famous people.
Creating a habit of eating slowly and chewing thoroughly will make you feel full longer. At the same time, when you eat slowly, food will be metabolized faster, more calories will be consumed when chewing, and excess fat will be less likely to accumulate in your abdomen.
Drink lots of water
Water contains absolutely no calories. Therefore, replace sugary drinks, fruit juices or high-calorie carbonated drinks with water to significantly reduce the number of calories you consume each day.
At the same time, water also has the effect of purifying and eliminating all toxins from the body.
Avoid drinks containing artificial sweeteners
Many people believe that drinking soda regularly is good for the body, helping to support the digestive system. As long as it is a diet, it can replace other sugary drinks.
However, using artificial sweeteners will make you gain weight, become obese and accumulate excess fat around your waist. It’s just that the rate is lower than that of people who regularly drink sugary soft drinks.
Therefore, to avoid being overweight and gaining belly fat. You should limit and avoid drinking drinks containing artificial sweeteners such as advantame, aspartame, sucralose, steviol glycoside, saccharin,… listed on the beverage ingredient list.
Avoid drinking too much fruit juice
Undeniably, fruit is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals for the body. But that doesn’t mean drinking a lot of fruit juice is beneficial. Currently, on the market there are many types of fruit juices that contain a lot of sugar.
All fruits already have a certain amount of sugar that is good for health, but many people still have the habit of adding sugar to a glass of fruit juice to increase the sweetness. Or more convenient is to buy bottled and pre-pressed fruit juices.
Unknowingly, you are loading too much sugar into your body, increasing your chances of being overweight, diabetes, and belly fat accumulation. Therefore, you should limit drinking a lot of fruit juice, instead you can supplement vitamins by eating whole fruits.
Avoid eating white rice, white pasta or bread
Limiting the intake of white rice, white rice, bread, and starches in a diet to reduce belly fat is recommended by many nutritionists.
The reason is that white rice and bread contain very little fiber so the metabolism takes place very easily to form energy. When delivered to the small intestine, they will quickly penetrate the blood, which will increase insulin and create a feeling of appetite and hunger.
They contribute to promoting fat accumulation in the abdomen and under the arms. To minimize the amount of starch in your body, you can replace it by using brown rice and sweet potatoes in your daily diet, along with a scientific lifestyle of exercise.
Don’t drink a lot of carbonated drinks
The sugar content in carbonated soft drinks is very high. If you drink a lot for a long time, it will cause your body’s energy levels to not be fully consumed.
One more notable thing, when your body is not provided with essential nutrients, you instead drink drinks containing a lot of gas.
They will fill your stomach with gas, leading to inactivity. From there, excess fat accumulates under the skin, arms, calves, especially in the abdomen. This will cause obesity, which is a potential cause of diabetes.
So, to keep your body healthy and have a balanced figure with a slim waist. Immediately quit the habit of drinking too much carbonated drinks.
Increase fiber consumption
One of the important principles in the diet is to increase fiber consumption and minimize starch content from your daily diet. Especially for people with fat in the lower abdomen need to pay attention more than normal.
In addition, green vegetables and fruits also contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body such as vitamin groups A, B, C, E,… along with low calories.
They contribute to slowing down the digestive process and absorption of nutrients in the body. From there, it creates a feeling of fullness longer, significantly reducing appetite when hungry. You can also refer to familiar fruits that help reduce belly fat such as grapefruit, papaya, pineapple, banana, apple,…
Don’t eat a lot of raw vegetables
Eating raw vegetables brings many health benefits. However, if we do not eat properly, it will lead to many harmful things for our health. Not just eating a lot of raw vegetables will help you lose weight and limit fat accumulation in the abdomen and waist. Because raw vegetables contain a lot of harmful bacteria, if we do not clean them carefully.
Especially for people with weak stomachs or weak immune systems, it can easily cause poisoning, diarrhea, and severe dehydration. Therefore, limit eating a lot of raw vegetables to maintain weight and lose fat. Instead, you can combine a scientific diet, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly to stay in shape.
Eat less red meat
Shredded red meat including beef, lamb, goat meat,… is a rich source of protein, vitamins B3, B6, B12, iron and zinc. They play an important role in building muscle, and protein also helps burn calories quickly.
But that doesn’t mean you add too much red meat to your diet, which not only brings no benefits but also has many potential risks to your health.
Red meat contains saturated fat, which increases blood cholesterol and increases the risk of blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Instead of focusing on eating mainly red meat, you can replace it with other types of meat such as chicken and fish. They are also a rich source of protein for dieting and reducing belly fat.
Do not eat pre-processed foods
Processed foods such as canned meat, dried meat, canned fish, etc. are foods that are not good for health.
Although they are very convenient and contain many calories, they have very low nutritional value. Some processed foods also use unhealthy fats and preservatives, causing the body to accumulate a lot of fat, especially in the abdomen and waist. When you eat them, it will increase the amount of cholesterol in the body, affecting the cardiovascular system.
In addition, the additives in these foods also stimulate your appetite. This has a negative impact on the process of losing weight, losing fat and keeping in shape.
Hopefully the article that TenjaSuta shared above will provide some more information about diet to reduce excess fat in the body and have a slim waist and balanced physique. You can also combine using Burn Max before meals or before exercising to help burn more fat when exercising and help you eat without having to pay attention to the amount of food.